TruUTI+ vs. Kit Only: A Comprehensive Guide

TruUTI+ vs. Kit Only: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's fast-paced world, convenience and accuracy in medical diagnostics are paramount. MyDX, a leading provider of at-home diagnostic tests, offers innovative solutions for Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) through their TruUTI+ and TruUTI+ (Kit Only). This article explores the features, benefits, and differences between these two offerings, helping you choose the best option for your needs.

Understanding MyDX’s Testing Solutions

MyDX provides two primary products for UTI testing:

  1. TruUTI+
  2. TruUTI+ (Kit Only)

Both options utilize advanced Urine PCR technology to deliver accurate and timely results, but they cater to different needs and situations.

The TruUTI+ is designed for immediate use, ensuring quick diagnosis and treatment.


  • Activation: Upon receiving the kit (about 24 hours), activate it online.
  • Sample Collection: Follow the instructions to collect a urine sample.
  • Shipping: Use the provided overnight shipping to send the sample to the lab.
  • Results: Receive results within 24 hours of the sample reaching the lab.
  • Consultation: Get a one-on-one consultation with a health professional to discuss the results and treatment options.


  • Timely Treatment: Ideal for those needing immediate diagnosis and treatment to prevent the worsening of UTI symptoms.
  • Convenience: No need to visit a doctor or lab; everything is done from home.
  • Professional Guidance: Direct consultation with health experts for interpreting results and planning treatment.

TruUTI+ (Kit Only)

The TruUTI+ (Kit Only) offers flexibility, allowing users to have a testing kit ready at home for future use.


  • Purchase and Storage: Buy the kit and store it until needed.
  • Activation and Payment: When symptoms arise, activate the kit online and pay for the testing service.
  • Sample Collection and Shipping: Collect the urine sample and send it to the lab using the provided overnight shipping.
  • Results and Consultation: Receive results within 24 hours, followed by a consultation with a health professional.


  • Readiness for Emergencies: Ideal for individuals prone to recurrent UTIs, ensuring they are prepared to test whenever symptoms occur.
  • Cost-Effective: Purchase the kit in advance and pay for testing services only when needed.
  • Privacy and Convenience: Store the kit at home and use it at your convenience, maintaining privacy.

Key Benefits of MyDX UTI Tests

Both the TruUTI+  and TruUTI+ (Kit Only) share several advantages:
  • Accuracy and Speed: Utilizing PCR technology, MyDX tests offer high sensitivity and quick results, accurately identifying the causative bacteria and antibiotic resistance.
  • Convenience and Privacy: Conduct tests from the comfort of your home without the need for medical appointments.
  • Early Detection: Enables early identification and treatment of UTIs, preventing complications.
  • Cost-Effective: More affordable than traditional lab tests, which can be costly and time-consuming.
  • Professional Consultation: Each test includes a consultation with a health professional, ensuring you understand your results and next steps.

Choosing the Right Option

  • TruUTI+: Best for individuals needing immediate diagnosis and treatment, ensuring quick relief and professional guidance
  • TruUTI+ (Kit Only): Ideal for those who want to be prepared for future UTIs, offering flexibility and readiness without immediate costs.


MyDX's TruUTI+ and TruUTI+ (Kit Only) provide reliable, convenient, and cost-effective solutions for UTI diagnosis and treatment. Whether you need immediate testing or want to be prepared for future occurrences, MyDX has a solution tailored to your needs. Embrace the convenience of at-home testing and ensure timely, accurate, and professional healthcare management with MyDX.
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